Master of Public Health

University of Canberra

Tipo de instituição: Universidade/Instituição de Ensino Superior
Nível: Pós-graduação
CRICOS: 00212K

The Master of Public Health prepares graduates to work in a wide variety of fields by drawing on a broad range of courses across public health, environmental health, land use and urban planning, sociology, community development, health management, health promotion and international development. Students may come from a range of backgrounds and the degree can be tailored to meet the interest and needs of students. This interdisciplinary degree has a focus on the ecological model of public health that emphasises and analyses the important interactions between the social, biological, economic and environmental determinants of human health in an ecological framework. The program equips students with skills and knowledge in assessment and management of health hazards and in the development of health promoting and sustaining environments and prepares students to bridge between professions to facilitate an interdisciplinary approach to contemporary public and environmental health problems. The program prepares students to undertake the core elements of public health in addition to understanding the multiple systems in which public health is central to operations.

Informações do estudo

CampusTaxasConsumo médio do anoAssiduidade
UC College, Bruce International: $52,050 Yes
  • Full-time : 1.5 years

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