Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Psychology
University of Canberra
Tipo de instituição: Universidade/Instituição de Ensino Superior
Nível: Pós-graduação
CRICOS: 00212K
The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Clinical Psychology course is perfect for those looking to take their career to the highest levels and have both the passion and commitment to see it all the way through. This course will help you complete all the requirements of masters-level professional training including; learning advanced assessment, evaluation, and intervention skills, and participating and publishing an independent research project - which in turn will allow you to register as a psychologist once you graduate. This course will provide you with everything that you will ever need to start working as a practicing psychologist.
Informações do estudo
Campus | Taxas | Consumo médio do ano | Assiduidade |
Canberra | International: $189,000 | No |
UC College, Bruce | International: $189,000 | No |
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