Master of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence

Queensland University of Technology (QUT)

Tipo de instituição: Universidade/Instituição de Ensino Superior
Nível: Pós-graduação
CRICOS: 00213J

Study a Master of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence to design and develop robotics and automation systems that bring modern industry into the future. QUT’s Master of Robotics and AI is a 1.5 year, full-time postgraduate degree. The degree is designed for students with a background in engineering and a recognised undergraduate degree that specialises within one of the following four engineering fields: computer and software systems, electrical, electrical and aerospace and/ or mechatronics to provide a foundation for continued learning.

Informações do estudo

CampusTaxasConsumo médio do anoAssiduidade
Gardens Point International: $62,550 No
  • Full-time : 1.5 years

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