Graduate Certificate in Education (STEM in Education)
Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
Tipo de instituição: Universidade/Instituição de Ensino Superior
Nível: Pós-graduação
CRICOS: 00213J
This course is ideal for educators who want to engage in professional learning to develop their STEM pedagogical content knowledge and skills. It caters for educators who: are working across the age spectrum from early childhood to Year 12, and adult or workplace learning, have different levels of experience and responsibility, have varied levels of STEM pedagogical content knowledge, including qualified STEM educators, those teaching out-of-field, or educators in leadership positions are professionals working in non-school contexts, such as curriculum developers.
Informações do estudo
Campus | Taxas | Consumo médio do ano | Assiduidade |
Kelvin Grove | International: $15,400 | No |
Online | International: $15,400 | No |
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