Advanced Diploma of Intense Pulsed Light and Laser for Hair Reduction - SHB60118

Colégio de Cabelo e Beleza de Melbourne

Tipo de instituição: Organização de formação registada
Nível: Vocational Education and Training (VET)
CRICOS: 02886G

This qualification reflects the role of individuals who apply substantial specialised knowledge and skills to design and safely apply non-ionising radiation treatments using intense pulsed light and laser technologies to reduce unwanted hair on the face and body.In this role they make complex, independent judgements in consulting with clients and analysing their skin and hair characteristics, designing and evaluating intense pulsed light and laser hair reduction treatment programs, selecting and using appropriate technology, and applying it within the context of safe client and operator practices and in compliance with regulatory requirements. Ongoing technological developments in this area of practice require the use of broad knowledge and the identification, analysis and evaluation of information from a variety of sources to build personal capability.Practice may be undertaken in a salon or clinic in the beauty industry or in other settings where cosmetic laser hair reduction services are offered.The use of intense pulsed light and laser is subject to legislation, regulation and licensing in some Australian states and territories.

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