Master of Urban and Regional Planning

Curtin University

Tipo de instituição: Universidade/Instituição de Ensino Superior
Nível: Pós-graduação
CRICOS: 00301J

Master Degrees (Coursework) prepare students to apply advanced knowledge for professional practice, scholarship and further learning corresponding to AQF level 9 qualifications. This course is designed to develop the requisite skills and knowledge to enter the planning profession. It examines the theoretical foundations of planning, its legislative and governance frameworks and develops practical skills required by planning practitioners in government agencies, the private sector and NGOs. It also teaches research skills and develops critical analytical capacities through the completion of a major piece of original planning research. Participation in projects that involve real planning issues and engagement with planning professionals prepare graduates for professional life. Students will have opportunities to experience local, national and international examples of best and worst practice.

Informações do estudo

CampusTaxasConsumo médio do anoAssiduidade
Curtin Perth International: $52,093 No
  • Full-time : 1.5 years

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