Bachelor of Laws
Australian Catholic University (ACU)
Tipo de instituição: Universidade/Instituição de Ensino Superior
Nível: Graduação
CRICOS: 00004G
Become a lawyer who stands up for people in need and causes that matter. At ACU, we are committed to helping you become a confident, ethical lawyer with the legal skills and knowledge to make a real contribution to the legal profession. You will put it all into practice with pro bono work whilst you study, and gain access to a range of international opportunities throughout your degree. Students who have completed 120 credit points of law units with a grade point average of 5.75 and above may apply to complete an honours degree.
Informações do estudo
Campus | Taxas | Consumo médio do ano | Assiduidade |
Blacktown (St Josephine Bakhita) | International: $124,864 | No |
Brisbane (McAuley at Banyo) | International: $124,864 | No |
Melbourne (St Patrick's) | International: $124,864 | No |
North Sydney (MacKillop) | International: $124,864 | No |
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